Movie Prop Poster

This fictional poster illlustrates .

While designing these posters, I wanted to experiment with making different elements the main subjects to see which one looks better to showcase at the theater. Those elements are the sword the protagonist (Beatrix Kiddo) uses in the film and the symbol associated with a legendary swordmaker (Hattori Hanzo). In the first poster, I focused more on making the sword stand out while the symbol being more subtle, and having the opposite approach in the second poster. Other small differences between the two posters include slight color hues, fonts, and text placement.

Movie Prop Poster

This poster illustrates a device that provides the user with a clean source of air. This device exists in a world set in the not-too-distant future that has suffered catastrophic levels of climate change to the point where clean air and water are scarce. Plants are also considered a luxury to own.


Book Jacket #2


Movie Poster #1